Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fardeen Khan has kicked the butt


Fardeen Khan has kicked the butt. It has been 20 days since his last puff. The actor, who used to go through 30 cigarettes a day, hasn’t given in to the urge to light up since he went off nicotine.

Giving it up
Says a source, "Fardeen was spotted at a fashion show looking dapper in a Shahid Aamir Sherwani, at a recent film awards event. When asked why he was looking younger and fresher than ever before, he let on that he had given up smoking three weeks ago."

Sticking it out
Apparently, Khan Jr got up one fine day and decided to quit. The source adds, "Initially, it was tough to give up smoking cold turkey and he suffered withdrawal symptoms like headache, anxiety, nausea and insomnia. But Fardeen stuck it out."

The actor, who is currently holidaying in Maldives with his wife Natasha admits, "By smoking, I was killing myself slowly but surely. I lost my father to it and I realised that I would never want to put the people I love through what I went. Not if I could help it."

Although happy with his decision, he admits it wasn’t easy, "I used to smoke more than 30 cigarettes a day. It is very tough. I have failed twice in the past." This time, he is staying strong. He concludes by saying, "The most important thing is the need to quit. If that is strong, the will automatically becomes strong

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