Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dia Mirza is a book lover

Dia Mirza is one of the few in this rare generation who loves to read books. She says, "
My mom averages three books a week; I can't match her pace because I don't get that much time. I read on flights, in between shots, and before going to bed. Personally, I enjoy books more than reading online. I think the young generation is missing out on a lot by not reading.

Reading helps you unleash your imagination and lets you know about emotions, cultures, timelines and much more. You travel the world through a book. I also like biographies. They give you a glimpse into the life and times of personalities, and also about certain value systems.

When it comes to Indian English authors, I think they only write stories that they know will sell. So, we end up reading the same stuff! The writers I enjoy are Rudyard Kipling, George Bernard Shaw, Arundhati Roy, Shakespeare and Amitav Ghosh.

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