Sameera Reddy got bold and talked about men and her moves in one of her Stardust interviews.
Check out the spicy but honest interview from a girl who has her head secure on her pretty shoulders:
Do you get excited by naked men?
Look, it varies from woman to woman. While some get sexually excited watching naked men, it doesn't work for me. I was curious about the male anatomy when I was young and thought it was the most erotic thing in the world. But now I am mature enough to control my emotions. In fact women by and large are better at keeping themselves in check than men ever can. However if the sight of an unclothed body turns a woman on, well, that's perfectly natural
Why do women get tagged as sluts or promiscuous when they speak openly about sex or the relationships they are in, while men get away with the tag of a Casanova?
It’s very sad and hypocritical but at the same time I have to agree that it has been in our culture. This segregation for men and women has always been there. So I can’t blame people for thinking like that because that’s what you grow up looking at. But right now, systems are changing as women are becoming empowered and they know what they can do and not do and can fight for it. But I agree that there is an issue with the way women are perceived.
If infidelity was the only way to be with someone you consider your soul mate, would you go for it?
If I meet the man of my dreams, I don’t think I will look outside. I personally feel that you can love people in different ways and I think it’s inhuman to just love one person and say that I would never love someone else. There are different ways of loving people – there is friendship and there’s attraction too. I think in a marriage, you always end up trying to believe that there is only going to be this one person. There are going to be many people in life who will come to test you. I personally believe that when you make a choice of being with one person, you should stick with that person. Because the other person who will come and go will be the infatuation – he or she will be the test that will come to shake you a bit but you have to let go. Considering that person a soul mate is a perception in our heads.
What would you do if your friend’s husband/boyfriend made a pass at you? Would you tell your friend about it?
Uhh! This has happened to me and I have made a big mistake of actually telling the friend and ended up losing that friend. It has not worked for me. Because I guess in a relationship people don’t like to point fingers at your own spouse or at your partner so you always use your friend to point your finger at. So honesty is not always the best policy in this situation. The last time it happened to me, I had distanced myself from them. They never understood and they never will. Actually, I’ve faced three such incidents. The first time, I lost my friend; the second time, the friend believed me and checked out on her guy and later found out that had many affairs; the third time, I stayed out and decided it was none of my business.
Have you ever taken back a cheating partner? Will you?
Wow! Actually, I met a guy recently who told me, ‘Sam, if you think that men in your past have been faithful to you then you have been mistaken because if you think the person you have been with was loyal to you then you are living in a dream world.’ Honestly I have never encountered any situation where I felt that the person was cheating on me. Probably I am blessed or maybe I am ignorant. So if it happens, I wouldn’t know how I would react. I think communication is the most important thing in a relationship. I am a person who is open about things. If my guy comes to me and says he’s attracted to someone else and wants to leave me, I’ll be okay with it. I can’t handle a liar. I really respect honesty.
What’s your take on moral policing?
I think it’s absolutely silly and annoying and I cannot believe it. People are so scared of their society changing and they are so insecure about these so-called bad habits. I personally feel that if you have brought up your family or your community in a certain way then you shouldn’t be scared that an outside influence will shake it up. Why do you have to sit and put this pardah? If the so-called influences are there and if you are strong enough with your principles then you wouldn’t get led by them. So why sit and moral police them?
Have you ever been ashamed of or regretted being in a relationship?
In life, I have not regretted anything. Absolutely nothing! Every relationship – be it with a friend or a boyfriend or a family member – makes you stronger and then you realize that there is so much more for you to learn.
In Malaysia, you got into a scuffle with the security guys of a political leader. Do you think a pretty face is a vulnerable target?
I asked the guy over there, ‘If I were in a burkha, would you have done that?’ And the guy just looked at me and didn’t know what to answer. In Malaysia, there are a lot of Muslim women in burkhas. I had come from shooting and I was wearing this dress and a jacket and I had these big headphones on and they thought I was a Westerner. I think that was the reason why he misbehaved.
Will you use sex as a weapon in a relationship?
I think there are a lot of messed up people in this world. I think the lesser said the better. It’s not about sex or love; it’s about negativity. People live in this negative bubble and this gets worse and they get stuck in a rut because they are so unhappy. I hate these negative people and I hate this negativity issue.
What’s your take on one-night-stands?
I absolutely don’t agree with it because I will never indulge in it but everybody has their own principles and limitations. Personally I cannot even relate to it or the people who do it. I don’t think less of anyone who does it because I don’t judge people. That is one of my traits my friends love me for. I won’t judge you even if you come to me and tell me that you have done the most horrible thing in the world.
What are your views on homosexuality?
You know, I was told that as an actor, I should really think 100 times before talking about the homosexual movement because I would be a small part of the system that believes there’s nothing wrong about it. Most of the polls say that a normal Indian person is repulsed by the fact that this exists. And I randomly asked a few people from different communities and they said, ‘What’s all this?
This is changing our society; changing our norms.’ It was then that I realized that India needs to change the systems and people are so comfortable with what they know and don’t want to believe anything apart from it. I think homosexuality is something that is natural. And if two people want to be together, it’s their choice. As long as they are not coming into your home or being outlandish at your doorstep, you have no right to say anything.
To each his own and I am so happy that finally the government has taken some steps. I recently met someone who is a normal guy and goes to college. He said, ‘I live in a joint family and I am appalled at what’s happening’. When I asked him if he thought all this was wrong, he said, ‘Of course it’s wrong.’ So when half of educated India thinks like that then of course the government of India is going to have a tough time. To me, any man who is homophobic is scared that he will turn homosexual.
What if one of your closest friends came out of the closet and said she was in love with you. How would you react?
I had a friend of mine whom I grew up with and she lived abroad. In summer vacations I used to hang out with her and suddenly when she was 18, she told me that she was a lesbian. She didn’t say she was in love with me or anything but when she said that, in my head, I thought of all the girlie things that we had done together. Then I realized that I couldn’t be judgmental. She also told me, ‘You are my friend and I also want you to know that this is my choice but I have never looked at you like that because you are like my sister.’ So I was relieved at that point in time. We are still friends but I had to make that slight switch in my head. But she didn’t hit on me or was in love with me or anything. I do get hit on by women and I found it funny earlier. But now I feel very flattered and it’s cool.
In a hypothetical scenario, if you woke up one fine day and realized you were gay, would you come out to your parents?
I am very honest with my family. My dad was like this simple south Indian guy and we have changed the poor guy so much in these years. For someone who didn’t even like me wearing tights I have really changed his mind. All of us have been very honest with our dad. If he had his way, we would have been married off when we were 20-21 to a nice Reddy boy. If there is something I have to tell him, I will. I can tell him anything and everything. But this scenario is not a possibility though, because the male anatomy is too beautiful. Men are outstandingly complex and fantastic. They are like a lifelong mission so I don’t think I would want to look at women.
Have you ever discussed the men in your life with you family?
Maybe with my mom but my father and me share a very strange relationship. He knows that if it’s really serious, I will come home with the guy and I have only done it once and it was a huge mistake. So I am very particular that now if I get the next one, it’s going to be it. My mom is not cool about all this. Her heart breaks every time my heart breaks but I have been single for quite a while now so she is worried. She wants me to be happy.
What’s your take on live-in relationships?
I can’t comment on live-in relationships because right now, the marriage situation is so messed up and people in general are so easily giving up on relationships because of the options out there. There are going to be issues because you are getting into somebody’s space. So whether you are living-in together or getting married, it’s the same thing. The only thing in marriage is that you are not going to give up that easily like in a live-in. You have space issues in every relationship.
And I don’t mean physically; I mean mental space. People don’t leave each other. Couples don’t let each other be. They are always insecure and because of that, they put their insecurities on each other and that’s where the biggest issues stem from. Especially in India men show their love through possessiveness, which is a big problem. They feel that’s the way to show love but in fact, that’s the recipe for a big disaster. Honestly, live-in relationships are just excuses for not dealing with these issues. I think I can write a book on this.
Why is there a fascination for bad boys and bitches?
I think because when you get something too easily, which is picture perfect, you always want to destroy it. We dramatize our life because we want to distract ourselves from the issues of today. So we constantly want drama in our life because we are constantly thinking about the future and worrying about the past. We’re not dealing with the present. When you have a bad boy or a bitch then you are constantly dealing with the drama and you are ignoring the issues on hand. The fact that you never know what’s going to happen and that excitement is what keeps you going.
If your partner falls for your best friend and they date behind your back, who will dump first – your partner or your best friend?
I will dump both; I won’t even bother. I don’t want anybody in my life that’s not good for me, whether it is friends or relationships. Because I am very possessive about my positive energy and I have truckloads of it. So if there is someone who is going to bother me, that person is gone from my life. I will never take him or her back.
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